[FANCAMS] 160624 XIA Junsu’s ‘XIGNATURE’ fansigning event

Starting greeting

Meeting Squirrel

Curious about palm tree electric fan
Hooray ~ Appearance of big Ppiyo
MC Sulu & MC XIA-wol
Why are fans laughing? 으◇으
Break times

Captain Ppiyo who’ll protect Junsu from Suhodae
Cute ‘Don’t do that’
Receiving a cross-stitch and hazelnut snack
Last greeting

Credits: XIARU 시아루 + KIMJUNSU 소풍 + tntn + 바다바람 + 시아엘라 XIA + 오늘 + XIAHJ ♥
Shared by: JYJ3+missionJYJ
